The vineyard movement

The Vineyard movement began on Mother's Day 1977, when 60 hungry believers gathered for the first time on a Sunday in a rented building in Yorba Linda. They weren't looking to start a movement; they were looking to meet with Jesus... and meet with Him they did! Soon others came to meet Him. And as they opened their hearts, God opened the heavens. The gospel was preached, the lost were found, the sick were healed, the poor were clothed and fed, and the presence and power of God was tangible.

Under the leadership of Pastors John and Carol Wimber, the church grew rapidly and moved to the city of Anaheim. Soon churches from around the globe came to visit. Conferences were started, churches were planted, and a movement was born. Yet none of it came out of a desire for influence, just people pursuing His presence - just a family trying to keep in step with the Spirit. That humble beginning has grown to over 2,400 Vineyard churches around the world, including the Vineyard Community Church of Camarillo.

Vineyard Statement of Faith

The camarillo vineyard

The Camarillo Vineyard is a growing family of people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Lord of the Church. We believe everything the Bible teaches about God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This means that we believe in the present-day demonstrations of all the Gifts of the Spirit described in the New Testament, including healing, miracles, prophecy, speaking in tongues, etc. We also encourage the spiritual growth of each believer through Biblical discipleship. 

We are passionate about experiencing the Presence of God in our gatherings, which is why heart-felt worship is such a priority for us, and why we are intentional about welcoming the ministry of the Spirit in our services. We also believe that another Great Awakening is about to break upon this nation, bringing an historic harvest of new believers, so we continually seek God for revival.

We understand that each person is on their unique journey with God, which is why you won't find us to be "pushy". We know that God is patient, loving and kind, and we we believe that He is in the process of making us more like Him.

So welcome to the Vineyard - we want to get to know you!